Goals of Education
It is the goal of Great Aspirations to provide educational services, consultation, and vision that meet the critical needs of our young people in order to:
- Help young people grow into their full potential – mentally, physically, spiritual, socially, intellectually, and creatively.
- Build for young people an infrastructure of inspiration and creativity.
- Empower and structure schools, universities, and parents to set up the greatest possible environments for young people’s best development.
- Promote the general welfare of the country and strengthen the core integrity of our nation’s youth.
- Produce, encourage, equip, and train future leaders.
- Encourage, equip, and train current educational leaders everywhere to step outside of the box, and use their opportunities and influence for the highest good of the young people who they come in contact with.
- Provide for high school and college students a blueprint for health, happiness, and true success; train young people to develop mental, physical, intellectual, spiritual, and creative fitness.
- Give our young people the very best educational and inspirational experience.
- Integrate abundant living with the whole of education.
- Promote the practice of integrative holistic education.
- Provide the inspiration, encouragement, strength, and support for young people to overcome the dominating, negative effects of a society that has failed to protect and guide them toward their true potential.
- Provide a plan for comprehensive total success for high school and college students.
A Special Letter to the Parkland Community
Read the Special Letter that was sent to all those touched by the tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida on February 14th, 2018.
Specific Goals of Education
- Goal – Create a greater appreciation for life, and affect the ability to make transcendent and meaningful connections to everything learned.
Purpose – To help young people reach their God given potential and purposes. - Goal – Develop the ability to synthesize core truths and to understand that all truth is unified and consistent in theme and nature.
Purpose – To help individuals learn to identify creative patterns in life, and to trust and follow first principles. - Goal -Develop a love for the humanities (literature, history, philosophy, art, etc.)
Purpose – To develop appreciation and connection to the world and its people. - Goal – Promote environmental awareness.
Purpose – To encourage the protection and preservation of the natural environment through the talents, determination, and knowledge of the up and coming generation. - Goal – Gain knowledge and understanding of America, our history, and Constitution.
Purpose – To cultivate appreciation for the values, freedoms, unique attributes, and opportunities afforded by the greatest country in the world. - Goal – To advance leadership and enlightened citizenship among young people.
Purpose – To promote the general welfare, secure natural rights, and correct imbalances and wrongs within society today. - Goal –Prepare high school and college students for purposeful, creative work, and fruitful contribution to the national work force and/or home life.
Purpose – To secure for young people a stable and rewarding future that takes into account the holistic and inspirational nature of life, as well provide for individual gifting, natural makeup, and different roles of life.