Elements of Jay Etzel’s Ultimate Success Program for High School & College Students
Elements of Life Coaching
- Live by purpose, design, and a sense of destiny
- Live the abundant life
- Appreciate the gift of life
- Understand that life is a gift
- Know what life is and where it comes from
- Know who you are
- Dare to live now
- There are two ways to live: living fully or holding back
- Establish core values around the gift of life
- Keep your life clean, simple, powerful, and inspired
- Keep your life powerful and inspired
- Develop a theme of excellence and abundance for your life
- Develop a balanced, holistic lifestyle that centers on mental, physical, spiritual, social, and emotional fitness
- Build an inspirational firewall (consistent engagement in powerful activity)
- Renew your mind and spirit every day
- Lock into the abundance of each new day
- Understand the need for constant inspiration
- 25 reasons why you need inspiration
- Pursue the best first
- Maintain a clear emotional pathway to health and happiness
- Structure your life around a few simple, life producing core activities
- Maintain a clear physical pathway to health (develop a complete plan for physical health)
- Enjoy the power of new beginnings
- Utilize the 12 keys to spiritual success (faith, transcendence, redemption, etc.)
- Develop a positive approach to life (enthusiasm, optimism, and expectation)
- Develop a strong character and become a quality person (keys to having a strong character)
- Build great friendships
- Study the principles of health and life
- Earn your free time
- Use your free time creatively and productively
- Balance your academic and extra-curricular schedule according to true fruitful activity
- Never trade time for success
- Be a quality person
- Focus on what is essential
- Practice the 21 keys to mental fitness
- Live each phase of each day well
- Read proverbs and become wise
- Enjoy natural pleasures
- Develop a book of dreams
- Understand the counterforce of human nature
- Understand and win the battle of spiritual warfare that every person encounters
- Overcome your personal weaknesses and character defects
- Inner dynamics of personal weakness
- Learn and use the attributes of greatness
- Understand that universal truths exist
- Burst into each new day
- Learn the 8 keys to remain in dynamic flow
- How to deal with significant problems
- Have regular empowerment times
- Engage in positive change (experience a paradigm shift)
- Develop a positive, enjoyable, and effective home life
- Overcome temptation
- The process of temptation
- What temptation is
- Effects of temptation
- Learn the 7 keys to overcoming negativity of any kind
- Stay progressive
- Limit the use of social media, electronics, and cell phones for the purpose of better interaction
- Be impelled by positive rewards
- Be aware and overcome the shifts in positive energy (inspiration, enthusiasm, motivation, optimism, joy, and faith)
- Learn to live with heart and soul
- Improve the quality of your life
- Put to use the power of positive action
- Be selective and life affirming about your entertainment and media consumption
- Pursue the best- put the light first in your life
Success Principles & Skills 1. Maintain strong motivation and enthusiasm 2. Develop and strengthen the personal characteristics of overall success 3. Remain highly structured and establish complete personal organization 4. Utilize your free time for recreation and great aspirations 5. Beat procrastination 6. Overcoming temptation that is work or school related 7. Overcome laziness 8. Strengthen and improve your mind 9. Challenge yourself 10. Overcome obstacles, setbacks, and delays 11. Understand the unity of truth 12. Follow project achievement protocol (how to do anything smarter and more efficiently) 13. How to achieve a goal 14. Goal setting and goal achievement 15. Avoid common distractions and timewasters of young people 16. Keys to overcoming disruptions, interruptions, and hindrances of work and progress 17. Overcome significant problems (should they come your way) 18. Understand the concept of creating clear pathways to success 19. Expertly use an agenda 20. Read quality books for pleasure and for growth 21. Learn to communicate effectively 22. Expertly manage time (include scheduling and planning) 23. Learn the power of prioritization 24. Be strong and flowing in transition 25. Maintain a strong work setup plan 26. Prepare for excellence 27. Become self-taught in the school of life Educational Success 1. How to have a great school year 2. Understand the purpose of education 3. Know the value of education 4. Establish complete school work organization 5. Invest yourself in your education 6. Recognize the 25 benefits of a good education 7. Take control of your education and learning 8. Expertly manage your work responsibilities 9. Know and understand the core curriculum for each class 10. Thoroughly follow and know the order and flow of the class material and curriculum (know exactly where you are at all times in each class) 11. Anticipate the material to be presented before each class 12. Know what to expect from your teacher/professor (identifying patterns, systems, assignments, test schedules, etc.) 13. Develop good communication with your teacher/professor 14. Get ahead of the learning and work curve 15. Have a good class, every class 16. Develop a Saturday morning study plan 17. Execute a consistent plan and schedule for studying and homework 18. Take effective notes 19. Expertly read and utilize your textbook 20. Utilize the internet for supplemental learning and knowledge 21. Keep a personalized terms and definitions notebook 22. Use project achievement protocol for papers and projects 23. Avail yourself to qualified extra help and study groups 24. Be comfortable in your surroundings 25. Be creative in your school work 26. Enjoy the process of learning and every hour of your class time, study time, and homework time 27. Make your learning interesting, vivid, emotional, and challenging 28. Personal characteristics of great learners 29. Understand how learning is accomplished a. Understand the learning process b. Develop an orderly pattern of learning c. 7 core concepts of education and learning d. Learn and practice systemic learning e. Make your learning interesting, vivid, and challenging 30. Understand the 3 aspects of getting good grades 31. Interactive learning and active listening 32. The benefits of doing well academically 33. Execute a consistent, well planned out schedule for homework 34. Set yourself up to have great work and study sessions 35. How to enjoy every hour of school work (study time and homework time) 36. Follow project protocol for papers and projects 37. Have the correct vision for college (High School) a. Identifying into the college that is right for you b. Seven attributes and keys to getting into the right college (what will make you an attractive candidate for the college of your choice) c. Seven goals of a liberal arts education 38. Selective use of outside instruction (tutors, afterschool help, study groups, student tutors, study partners) 39. Dealing with problematic teachers 40. How to be a great student in the eyes of a good teacher 41. Relating well to your teacher or professor 42. How to break down each individual subject (understand the nuances of English, math, social studies, science) 43. Taking personal time off of school (non-sickness related) 44. Dealing with difficult subjects 45. How to have effective class time and learn from your teacher 46. Quickness in getting to your work 47. Work ahead of the learning curve 48. Be aggressive with your school work 49. Taking effective breaks 50. Getting your work done before dinner 51. Have a positive attitude and approach towards your school work 52. Use a daily planner Education skills 53. Master core information first 54. Keep a personalized definition and terms notebook 55. Take concise notes from a textbook (optional) 56. Proper use of a review book 57. Read and utilize the textbook to its full potential (how to read a textbook) 58. Avail yourself to teachers, extra help hours, and review sessions 59. Learn how to prepare for a test and employ proficient test takings skills 60. Take purposeful, efficient notes 61. Overcome difficulties in learning 62. How to highlight a textbook properly 63. Comprehending lectures 64. Develop a habit of mental studying 65. Tips for specific study periods 66. Tips for busy students (athletes, performing artists, workers, etc.) 67. Dealing with substitute teachers 68. Employ proficient test taking skills 69. Expertly manage your education and work responsibilities Health & Education 1. Optimal nutrition for learning 2. Remaining sickness free 3. Missing a day of school because of illness 4. How to handle being under-slept 5. How to still be effective while not feeling well during school Dynamic Success Principles High school students, even the very successful ones, tend to waste too much time through imprecision and misguided steps. The success principles I teach are meant to simplify and streamline vital action for the individual. They are taught in a way that can be readily applicable in a variety of situations.
The synergistic effect of a holistic plan that is delivered with clarity, conviction, and enthusiasm is very exciting for a young person to experience because it is new, relevant, and immediately beneficial. I craft the best overall design for each person according to individual needs, true goals and desires, personality, learning style, and more. This allows for both the student and parents to participate in creating the amazing gift of a personalized layout for achievement and happiness that few people ever get in their lifetime, let alone at such an early age. Once an individual’s total plan is put into place, it is then progressively strengthened over time until he becomes skilled in all aspects of it. This is done through consistent follow-through and regular evaluation that allows for adding dimension, troubleshooting, etc. I truly believe that any high school person open to investing in his life through this work will have his entire direction and future positively impacted and will achieve extraordinary things as a result.