God’s Hand in the 2024 Election
By far and away the first and most important reality that must be acknowledged regarding the 2024 election is that of Divine intervention — an intervention so desperately needed that it drove untold millions of Americans (and individuals worldwide) literally and figuratively to their knees in prayer. And those prayers were answered and had a most definite impact on the election. We can call it an act of mercy. If you were one who prayed, you know exactly what I’m talking about.
Yes God won this. He won it on our behalf, for his own truth and justice, and for the sake of the innocent. For only God could know of all the distress, turmoil, and suffering already caused by those who gained and used power illicitly. Moreover, He saw all the great amount of further suffering still to come to the multitudes — had those who have been destroying our country been able to retain power.
God saw all their ruinous ways: their alliance against Him, their arrogance, their foolishness, their willfulness, and their plans for control — and he stopped them… for the moment.
We must never ever forget this. We must never forget how we prayed, how we understood how utterly out of our control things had gotten, and how close we were to potentially losing our country forever. For if we do forget, we can end up right back where we were — and worse still.
We must never forget the joy and DEEP relief that came to our souls, or the spontaneous “Thank You God“ that came from our lips upon the calling of the election. We must compare how dramatically different — indeed how unimaginably horrible — we would feel about our country today had the outcome been different, for that comparison is a legitimate indicator of what our need really was.
And we must understand that, without question, the outcome could VERY easily have been different, despite the appearance of a “landslide” victory.
The fact is that the 2024 election, at the highest level, (like all our recent major elections) came down to a mere few percentage points in a few swing states, which really means that anything could have happened — as whoever influences certain intangibles and controls certain levers has the ability to influence and control our elections.
We just experienced this capriciousness in the 2020 election, where manipulated events surrounding the pandemic combined with malfeasance and rigging turned what would have been a then easy win for President Trump (who was an absolute lock to win prior to the pandemic) into a Biden “victory.”
Therefore, let us not rationalize away Providence — not now nor in the future. Let us not be fooled as time goes on into thinking that this win was easy or inevitable. It was neither.
Considering all the hell that we have already been through, all the insane events that we were at least seemingly powerless to stop, all the variables that no human effort could have possibly contained in this election, and the availability for deceptions, maniacal schemes and assets to be deployed against our country — it is actually a miracle that the outcome was what it was.
Keeping this reality fresh in our minds is the safeguard that will give us the necessary and essential power and clarity that without question will be needed for the future. It will keep us from falling back on our own limited resources and allow us to draw on the same spiritual strength — the same faith in and reliance on God that will be required many times over in the days (and years) to come, as we will be tested and pushed to the limits beyond what we now know. (Also let us remember that the balance of power in the House and Senate is marginal, and that that power could shift back in two short years, potentially neutralizing the presidency.)
Fully acknowledging God‘s hand in the 2024 election does not take away from the tremendous human talent, ingenuity, and effort that were displayed by so many outstanding individuals. In fact, it complements and completes these perfectly, as “faith without works is dead”, and man’s efforts must unite with God’s power for a true outcome.
Finally, God intervening in the 2024 election does not necessarily indicate that He supports all things currently Republican, Conservative, or “MAGA”, or opposes all things that are traditionally of the Democratic Party — not at all, as this support is determined by continual correct action. As an aside, it also does not mean that all wrongdoing and fraud was stopped in the election, or that there is no need for full investigations where warranted.
It simply means that on balance, God comes down on the side of truth and life, and rejects all things oppressive to humanity and detrimental to life, regardless of the source or lack of perfection.
It means that we have been given a respite from the evil and tyranny that was gaining an ever tightening grip on our nation. This win was just the beginning of a whole series of victories that need to be won. It gives us and our leaders a chance to do things the right way — to strive to be rightly aligned with God and His plan for governance, and to be open to the full spectrum of goodness and truth that we may have peace and prosperity for a long time to come.
There were many prayer initiatives throughout the country for the 2024 election. For more information on the comprehensive prayer and fasting initiative that I organized (as well as updates), please go to strengthenthenation.com.